Do you hear about tenant complaints when its already too late?
Are you a property manager or building operator with too many other things to do?
Do your lights and HVAC systems run when they should not, wasting energy?
Do you want to know which system components are using the most energy and why?
Are you worried about energy consumption costs of your building?
Fed up with your present service provider?
We can help!
We offer a variety of monitoring packages for new or existing buildings, small or large.
We will provide:
- Web Access to a few or all your building systems and information
- Alarm detection and forwarding to your maintenance staff
- Trending of ciritical systems and data
- Weekly review of system health by our qualified technicians
- Recommendations for better cost saving measures and change of operations
- Help with updating/upgrading your exisitng dated systems
- Ways to save you money while ensuring optimal occupant comfort
- And much more.
Please Contact Us to discuss your projects.